"The nations shall see your vindication , and all the kings your glory; you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give." Isaiah 62:2 "All these (manifestations) are activated by one and the same Spirit who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses." 1 Corinthians 12:11 "God has called us through the Good News, that we may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 2:14 This Sunday begins a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. May Jesus fill each and every person willing to follow him with open hearts.
Pope's Intention for January
For the right to an education: Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
ICC Sunday Gospel Reflection this week: "What is a covenant?"
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-25, 2025
This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea, near Constantinople in 325 AD. This commemoration provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians, as expressed in the Nicene Creed, formulated during this Council; a faith that remains alive and fruitful in our days.
(as posted in the CDSBEO Faith and Equity Newsletter January 2025)
February 2nd is the Diocesan Collection for Catholic Missions in Canada
Catholic Missions In Canada exists to advance and sustain the Catholic Faith in remote and poor mission communities across Canada.
They have a mandate to serve Roman and Ukrainian Catholic Bishops across Canada. Please visit their website to see what they do and and which communities receive your generous support. https://cmic.info/
Now Accepting New Mass Intentions
Father Primus will be happy to continue to hear confessions starting 30 minutes before Mass on Saturdays (4:00 - 4:20 p.m.) at St. Mark, and on Sundays (8:30 - 8:50 a.m.) at Sacred Heart. Otherwise, you may make an appointment with him anytime he is on campus. Please note that Mondays will also be Father's day off. He will continue to say Mass at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark.
St. Mark the Evangelist & Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Benedict Ubanii, SMMM
Parish Email: StMark@archkingston.ca
Deacon: Allan Hogan, 613-246-2196, jcirtal@gmail.com
Deacon: Greg Vaughn, deacongregvaughn@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Linda Ludlow (Cell: 613-878-4270)
Parish Bookkeeper: Annette Norton Email: bookkeeper.smsh@outlook.com
Mailing address for St. Mark and Sacred Heart Parishes: P.O. Box 234,
Prescott, Ontario. K0E 1T0
Address of St. Mark Church: 160 Dibble St. W. Prescott, Ontario, K0E 1T0
Address of Sacred Heart Church: 3060 John St. Cardinal, Ontario. K0E 1E0
Address of Sacred Heart Parish Hall: 549 Middle St. Cardinal K0E 1E0
Regular Weekday Mass Times: Monday at 7:00 p.m. St. Mark; Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. St. Mark, followed by Adoration closing with Benediction at 11:45 a.m.; Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart; Thursday at 7:00 p.m. St. Mark; Friday 9:00 a.m. St. Mark unless it is a week with a First Friday 9:00 a.m. Sacred Heart - Adoration follows, First Saturday 9:00 a.m. St. Mark.
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday 4:30 p.m. at St. Mark, Sunday 9:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart, Sunday 11:00 a.m. at St. Mark
CHILDREN'S LITURGY at 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mark
Mass Intention requests may be made via envelopes located at the entrances to the churches, or on the parish website. Deposit envelopes into the collection basket, or deliver to the Rectory. Mass Intentions cost $20 each and should be made several months in advance of the requested date if possible, in order to avoid disappointment. Any Masses that must be cancelled will be rescheduled.
Link to Knights of Columbus Ontario: https://ontariokofc.ca/ Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at St. John Bosco Parish, Brockville. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul collects donations after Sunday Masses on the first weekend of the month. You can also send an e-transfer to: ssvpstfrancisbrockville@gmail.com Thanks for your support!
Link to the Catholic Women's League Canada: https://cwl.ca/ Link to the Ontario Provincial Council of the CWL (Diocese of Kingston): https://cwl.on.ca/ The St. Mark CWL meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the St. Mark CLUB ROOM, following 7:00 pm Mass. (No meeting in December or in the Summer) To correspond with St. Mark CWL, or to send memberships or donations, please use this email address: stmarkcwlprescott@gmail.com
Contributions to the Flock Note and Bulletin must be received by NOON on Wednesday if you would like your items included in that weekend's edition. Any items received after that time will appear in the following edition. Thank you kindly for your understanding.
PAD - There are sign-up forms on the table at the main entrance to the church. Please contact the parish secretary if you would like to sign up for monthly Pre-Authorized Debit, or to receive parish donation envelopes, or to make a donation towards our Living Stones Capital Building Fund, or to the Sacred Heart Cemetery Fund. God bless you!
E-TRANSFERS: St. Mark and Sacred Heart can now accept your contributions and donations via e-transfer. To send money to St. Mark Parish, please email: lludlow.stmark@gmail.com To send money to Sacred Heart Parish, please email: lludlow.sacredheart@gmail.com No security questions needed. Thank you. To request parish envelopes please contact the secretary. Blessings.
Living Stones Capital Building Endowment Fund -
YOU can support our parish Endowment Fund with a one time donation of cash (or cheque/e-transfer make out to St. Mark Church), with monthly (regular) donations via envelopes/ PAD, etc., by donating shares you may not want to hold any longer (a form is needed to be filled out for this option), or leaving a bequest in your estate. Envelopes are located on the table at the main entrance to the church. You may also contribute via PAD.
St. Mark Property & Finance: Maureen Leonard (Chair), Tara Whiteman-Marchand, Dave Smith, Tom O'Keefe
St. Mark Cemetery: Mike Baril (Chair), Dennis Wright, Peter Martin, Brent Laton
Looking for One or Two More Cemetery Board Members
The Cemetery gates are closed as of December 1st, 2024. The Cemetery will re-open on April 1st, depending on weather and soil conditions.
Sacred Heart Property & Finance: Paul Davy, Kelly Bush, Tom Varley
Sacred Heart Cemetery: Dan McLaughlin (Chair), Kelly Bush, Roger Stitt, Reta Gannon, Paul Davy
Pastoral Team: Deacon Allan, Bernice Hogan, Deacon Greg
Screening Committee: Deacon Allan, Sharon Schoemaker, Mary Anne Dixon
Let us Pray for the Sick
Shirley Woodward (Joan Toupin's sister), Father Dan Ryan, Larry Moore, Ellen Thompson, Fr. Mac Burke, Clare Dashney, Kenny Polite, Jason Edge, Deacon Greg Vaughn, Mary Louise Robinson, Jack & Sue Bradley, Deacon Allan Hogan, Linda Whiteman, Father Michael McCarthy, Betty Ann Murray, John Robichaud, Bill Mallett, Bernice Hogan, Valentina Rodina, Eugene Spychi, Cary Sigg, Kathy Grant, Agathe Soucie, Bill Walter, Maureen Dwyer, Cathy Perkins, Corry Martens, Rosemary Logan, Josephine Furlong, Sherry Henderson, Ahmet Ongun, Denis Doherty, Dave Brown, Mark Daly, Louise Patry, Andrea Knapp, Diana Hoy, Steven Gilmore, Leonard Godin, Judy MacDonald, Dayna DeDekker, Wayne Dove, Carolyn Crobsy, Anita Burton, Tommy Glynn, Debra Health, Allan Aikens, Paulette Larose, Cameron Gauthier, Barb Saunders, Paul Beauchemin, Lois & Wayne Boisvenue, Marg Hallenbeck-Sears, Megan Walser, Madeline King, George Zinn, George Mallett, Denise Gauthier, Elaine & Larry Beckstead, Ann Hopkins, Amber Legacy, Arlene Moore, and all who are sick, injured or infirmed.
Please remember to let us know of answered prayer, or when someone wishes to be removed from this list. Thank you.
Please Pray for the Faithful Departed
Roger Beauchemin (brother of Marie Lambert), Yvonne Couperus, Serge Perron (nephew of Marie Lambert), Nora Kirkby, Jeffrey Edge (brother of Jason Edge), Sharon Spychi, Albert Wahrer (Stepdad of Margaret Newman), David Thomas, Bill Putman (husband of Kathy), Luke McAuley (John's brother), Virginia Murdock, Ron Pidgeon, June Joy, Pat Dowling (Brother of Brian), Sherry Koehler, Wayne Campeau, Ruth Croken, John Vanderzyde, Ruth Boisvenue, Elizabeth Haines, Andrew Grant, Antonia (Toni) Jansman, Deanna Jacko, Irene Lafort, Marg McFarlane, Claire Bradley, Jim Heppell, Judy Campbell, Mary Skinkle, John Kennelly, Tony Boileau, Ann Bekkedam, Edward Brennan, Ruth Boisvenue, Kay Hutt, Madeline Johnson, Danielle (O'Keefe) Astleford, Millie Bennett, Marian Meagher, Rita M. Markey, Mark Davy, Father Peter H. Murphy, Father Dean Purdy, Debbie Armstrong, Helene Barnett, Peter Adams, Carmel Glynn, Jody Devaney, Darlene Rose Foreman, Marielle Kensley, Leona Lascelle, Jean Farlinger, Edward Mack, Joanne Kavanaugh, Shirley Sayeau, Gordon Marchand, Jocelyn MacDonald, Alice Laushway, Rev. Liam Tallon, Dorothy Dove, Larry McDermott, Jim Perkins, Sr. Patricia McLean, Joe Dillon, Marcella Gal, Helen Sweeney, and all those who have died.
Please note that names will be removed from the list after one year, unless we are notified otherwise. Thank you for your understanding.
Collections & Donations for St. Mark & Sacred Heart
Please note that Mass Requests* and Cemetery Donations and receipts*, while reported to you weekly for your information, are actually deposited into their own accounts, not the general operating accounts for the Churches.
St. Mark Sunday Collection - January 12, 2025
Sunday Offering - $1730.25
Campus Maintenance - $10.00
Mass Requests* - $80.00
Missals - $10.00
Cemetery Interment* - $350.00 J. Vanderzyde (previous)
Cemetery* - $3,673.72 (ScotiaTrust payment)
Living Stones Building Fund* - $30.00
Solemnity of Mary (New Year Offering) - $10.00
TOTAL DEPOSIT - $5,893.97
Sacred Heart Sunday Collection - January 12, 2025
Sunday Offering - $298.00
Cemetery Donation* - $10.00
Campus Maintenance - $5.00
Missals - $10.00
Solemnity of Mary (New Year Offering) - $5.00
St. Mark School is now accepting new student registrations for September! Registration is open for students born in 2021 or earlier. Families are invited to complete the online pre-registration by visiting
www.cdsbeo.on.ca. All details on the registration process can be found on this page. For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact the school by phone, 613-925-4342. Thank you!
Matt Hubbard, Principal
St Mark Catholic School, Prescott
CWL Memberships 2025
It is CWL Membership time. We would like to thank the 100+ ladies who have been part of our St. Mark (& Sacred Heart) CWL Council for the past year. We had a good year and we are looking forward to the new year which we hope will bring us some new, energetic members who would complement the many seasoned and experienced ladies in our group! Ways to pay your membership: for those who use contribution envelopes, there is one for CWL memberships included in your box. The cost will remain $35.00 for this coming year. If you do not use envelopes, there will be members of St. Mark Catholic Women's League available at Masses in January to accept your membership dues. Alternatively, you may put your membership dues in any envelope with your name and contact information on it and mark CWL on the envelope, and put it in the Sunday collection basket. OR, you may send an e-transfer to stmarkcwlprescott@gmail.com.
We have been asked to print out Father Primus' homily for those who were not able to understand the entire message. Thank you, Father Primus, for providing the previous week's message so it can be included in the flock note. Due to lack of space in the bulletin, Father's previous Sunday homily will be printed out on a separate sheet and placed on the main table at the church entrances for parishioners to pick up if they wish.
THE FEAST OF BAPTISM OF THE LORD, Sunday Year C, (12:1:2025).
Today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. After four weeks of waiting and preparation for the nativity of the Lord (Advent), eight days of Christmas octave, and almost two weeks of Christmas tide, we, the Church, begin the first Sunday in Ordinary time of the year, C with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is also the feast of the beginning of our Christian life.
According to Catholic Catechism and teaching, “baptism is a Sacrament which cleanses us from original sin, makes us Christians, children of God and members of the Church.” Since baptism makes us children of God, the implication is that God will never abandon us his children. It is because of this that God says in Isaiah:
When God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He gave the Israelites another powerful prophet after 400 years, who was John the Baptist.
The major functions of John the Baptist are: To prepare a way for Christ. To preach repentance, and to baptize, etc.
Thus, John made it clearly in Lk 3:16, Matt 3:6-12, Jn 1:20-28... That, "I was not the Messiah, the one coming after me is greater than I am."
The Gospel of today's commentaries report that many people were there who came to receive baptism, but the heavens remained closed. Perhaps, immediately Jesus entered into the river Jordan, according to Matt 3:15-17 and Mk 1:9-11, after He was baptized, the heavens opened. The Spirit of the Lord was like a dove flying around not finding anyone on whom to perch. According to today's Gospel of St Lk 3:21, when Jesus was praying after his baptism, the heavens opened. May your own heaven open now in Jesus name, Amen.
At His baptism, three remarkable things happened:
1) The Heavens opened,
2) The (Holy Spirit) Dove came down upon Jesus;
3) The Father Spoke.
Baptism is a sacrament that washes away the original sin, makes us Christians, children of God and the full members of the Church.
However, there are five points that differentiate the Catholic baptism from Pentecostal baptism.
1) It is a sacrament for the Catholic Church, but an ordinary ritual for the Pentecostal church.
2) It washes away the original sin. That is why we baptize the infants because the original sin begins from the womb (cf Ps 51:5). Since God has said that, "no one is righteous" (Rom 3:10), in 1 Jn 1:8-10, "Anyone who says, he has not sinned makes God a liar." Also says that, "nothing unclean will enter the holy city" (Rev. 21:27). Since God wills that everyone be saved, (1 Tim 2:6) then, baptism is made for everyone (cf. Acts 10, 16:33).
3) It makes us Christians. As a baptized Christian, we receive three powers: priestly, kingly and prophetic through the anointing.
4) It makes us children of God. Once you are baptized, you have received the green card to heaven (Jn 3:3-5), but you can lose it through sin, and regain it through the sacrament of reconciliation.
5) It makes us the full members of the Church. Once you are baptized, you receive the equal rights in the Church.
For one to receive these five powers, he must be baptized with the method Jesus gave in Matt 28:19-20 (Trinitarian method). Even when Jesus was baptized, the persons were at the present.
What touched people was the opened heavens. The heaven opened three times because of Jesus Christ. It opened first during His baptism (Matt 3:15-17). Secondly, during His transfiguration in Matt 17:5-7. Thirdly, was before His passion (Jn 12:28). Then, Jesus was addressed by his Father as "My beloved Son". The baptism of Jesus reminds us of our identity. It reminds us of who we are and Whose we are. By Baptism, we become sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, members of his Church, heirs of Heaven, and temples of the Holy Spirit.
The baptism of Jesus reveals the identity and mission of Jesus, and lays the foundations for the lives of those who would follow Christ; a foundation for a new and extraordinary relationship of grace between God and his creatures. The baptism of Jesus asks and answers the fundamental question: Who is Jesus and what is Jesus? The readings of today take on the answers to these questions headlong and without equivocations. They respond in the resounding voice of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is The Beloved Son, with whom the Father is well pleased (Lk 3:22, cf. Mt 3:17; Mk 1:11). Jesus is Lord of all, the Anointed of God (Acts 10:36.38). Jesus is the fulfillment of the Servant of YHWH prefigured in the prophecy of Isaiah (Is 42:1).
Corresponding to the identity of Jesus is his mission. The Father had already given direction to his work. Jesus was called to bring forth and establish justice on earth (Is 42:1). He was called to be a covenant to the people and a light to the nations (Is 42: 6-7). He was called to the mission of doing good, of healing and deliverance (Acts 10:34-38). This is what it means to be called in righteousness. Jesus devoted his entire life in filial obedience to the will of his Father.
Beloved parishioners, like Jesus, our baptism gives us our identity too. It tells us that we are God’s child. We are beloved by the Father. We share God’s life. We are called to live our lives in filial obedience to Our Father. This is who we are: Beloved. Children of God. Little children (1Jn 2:22.28; 3:1.7). That is how the Father addresses us. So, let us go forth and become what we were born to be. And let who we are define how we live.
There are a few remaining boxes of parish donation envelopes on the tables at the main entrance to the churches. If you did not see a box for your family but would like one please let Linda know and she will ask Paul to prepare a set for you for 2025. Thanks!
Income tax receipts for donation contributions for 2024 be ready next week. They will be placed in alphabetical order on the tables at the main entrances to the churches. Please advise Linda of any missing names.
THIS weekend is Food Bank Weekend. Please bring your contributions for the Food-For-All Food Bank and put them in the bins at the entrance to the church. Thank you for your support.
Palms for Ashes
It has been the church's tradition to have parishioners bring last year's palms to the church so Father can burn them to prepare the ashes for Ash Wednesday. As Father Ben is away at this time, we are asking that parishioners bring their palms in, so that when Father Ben returns he can prepare them appropriately. Thank you so much!!!
Children’s Liturgy is in full swing with three leaders and three helpers. We could use one more leader to help even out the duty schedule, so if you feel you could give one Sunday per month sharing the Word of God with our young people, please contact Diane Jozefowicz. Also, we hope that this program will encourage more families to attend 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mark and that more children will come for Liturgy to hear the Word of God at their level, and do a fun activity as well!
The new 2024-2025 Sunday Missals are now available for Cycle C. Due to an increase in costs this year, we are asking for a donation of $5.00 if you are able to help cover the cost of your own copy. There are donation boxes at the entrances to the churches. Thank you and may God bless you richly!
We would love to hear about any family members or community members who are home-bound and cannot attend church to receive the Eucharist and who would like someone to bring them Communion. Also, if you know of anyone who would like to receive a pastoral visit - someone to read & share scripture with, or who would like to receive annointing of the sick, or who would like our priest to visit to hear a confession, please send their names via email to stmark@archkingston.ca or call the Rectory number, 613-918-0143. Blessings!
St. Mark the Evangelist Church Choir is looking for new voices.
Linda by email (stmark@archkingston.ca) or at the Rectory (613-918-0143) or on her cell phone (613-878-4270). For now we will not be learning new hymns, we will continue to sing hymns that are well known by the congregation. Please do not be afraid to share your talents.
We are also praying that God will bless us with an organist for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Please pray for those who are considering this ministry.
Thank you!
I was watching a Reba gospel music special recently and one of the hymns “Because He Lives” really spoke to me in relation to the subject of euthanasia. One of the lines in that hymn is: “Life is worth living, just because He lives.” I pray that nothing in my life ever causes me to doubt this.
CWL ordered 100 post cards from Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and they will be placed at the entrances to the churches. We are hoping that any of our parishioners who may know of someone who might be considering MAID or who may not currently have the capacity to be aware that MAID could be suggested to them as an alternative "health" treatment when they are in a vulnerable position, will take one of these cards to share with them. This can be a difficult and sensitive subject for some and these cards could help.
Please see a picture of the post card below. On the back, the explanation reads:
“Euthanasia (“MAID”) is being normalized in Canada. When it was legalized in 2016, the law required the person to be terminally ill. Since March 2021, people who die by euthanasia may only have a chronic condition. People with treatable conditions are being approved for death. There have been euthanasia deaths based on poverty, disability, homelessness and more. Veterans who have served our country and are living with PTSD have been pressured to ask for euthanasia. Real compassion does not kill. Do you have a story about a questionable euthanasia death, or have you felt pressured to “choose” euthanasia? The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) can help. Call 1-877-439-3348, or email info@epcc.ca
God created each and every human life. It is up to us to protect it.
The next Prescott Praise night will take place on Sunday, January 26, 2025
St. John’s Anglican Church 290 Dibble St. W, Prescott
Please join us for an hour of praise and worship in unity with your fellow Christian churches.
Nancy Steele was the guest speaker at the Women's Fall Retreat 2024. Her talk will be based on those sessions but will be different from the talks given at the retreat. If you missed attending the retreat, this is a great chance to hear Nancy's message!
Please see the end of this flock note for a copy of the information poster containing details of this wonderful trip. Registration closes in July.
NEW ITEMS HERE (in black type) :
School of Identity (Our Lady of Divine Fire Mission)
Friday, March 7; 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm & Saturday, March 8; 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
Holy Name of Mary Parish Centre (7288 Old Hwy 2, Marysville, ON)
Come experience a learning opportunity to help you grow in your identity as a beloved son or daughter of God. Learn about personal transformation, intimacy with God and hearing his voice. living the supernatural life and being baptized in the Holy Spirit!
Registration required. Regular admission $30, Couples $50, Students $20 (Lunch INCLUDED)
Melos Chantuary
Saturdays, January 18, and 25; 7:30-9:00 pm
St. John the Apostle Church (88 Patrick Street, Kingston)
Melos Choir welcomes all to join us Saturday nights in January as we learn to sing a range of chants from West & East: Gregorian, Hildegard, Byzantine, Syriac & more. Suggested participant fee $10 per session or free-will offering, as able. Auditors welcome!
Journey Communicator Submission Theme and Deadline
Submissions are being accepted for the Journey in the coming New Year. The deadline is January 31. The theme of the next edition will be Pilgrims of Hope in the parishes of the Archdiocese of Kingston. Please email submissions to Journey@archkingston.ca Submission Guidelines: Please keep articles to a maximum of 1½ pages (12pt font). When submitting pictures please make sure consent is received from all included in the photo, and please ensure it is a high-quality image to avoid pixelation. We would also love to feature children’s art in this next edition.
Transformation Night (Our Lady of Divine Fire Mission)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025; 7:00 – 9:30 pm
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church (1111 Taylor-Kidd Blvd., Kingston)
Experience the “Transforming Power of the Steadfast Love of God”. Nancy Steele (www.nasteele.ca), author and recent keynote speaker at the 2024 Women’s Fall Retreat has a heart to help people grasp just how much God loves them. The evening will begin with Adoration and worship with song. After Nancy’s presentation there will be an opportunity for personal prayer ministry from the Encounter School of Ministry graduates. NO CHARGE.
An Invitation to Wednesday Night Reflections from Archbishop Mulhall:
St. Mary’s Cathedral (279 Johnson Street, Kingston)
From Archbishop Mulhall:
On December 11 we began our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together. Throughout my priesthood and especially in the past several years, these moments of prayer and reflection together have been deeply rewarding for me.
At the end of last August, we completed our reflections on the Our Father and prayer in general. This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual, we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year.
It is good to remember that there is no starting point or end point as in a series of lectures or an academic course. Though we refer to previous reflections, we repeat our thoughts frequently so that anyone can join at any stage or miss weeks without losing any necessary points or developments. I like to think of our reflections as one long continuous series of reflections on a mystery from countless starting points. All these reflections I pray will be beneficial for us at whatever time of life or stage of our spiritual pilgrimage. The Lord, in whose presence we will pray together will always provide the grace, consolation, and strength that we need to make steady progress in our life of faith.
Gentlemen! Veronica's Veil Overnight Winter Shelter for Homeless Men Needs Your Help
Veronica's Veil is a winter overnight winter shelter that is a ministry of St. Mary's Cathedral but open to all men of the city. It provides homeless men with a dry warm place to spend the winter nights. There are three shifts: 8:30 pm to 12:30 am; 12:30 am to 4:30 am and 4:30 am to 8:30 am. We need men for mostly the 4:30 am to 8:30 am shift. We need approximately 100 volunteers and seventeen more volunteers are needed before Veronica’s Veil Shelter can open for the 2025 season which will run from January 2nd to April 30th 2025. Volunteers are needed to fill various shifts. For information please contact Ann at 613-546-5521 Ext 5 or ann@stmaryscathedral.ca “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Would you let Jesus sleep outside during the cold winter?
The Franciscans: Is God Calling You?
The Gospel and the “following of Jesus Christ” were not idealistic but rather “dynamic values” for St. Francis and his followers. People inspired by the Gospel values that they saw in Francis wanted to follow him. These values are the substance of Franciscans today: the Poor Clares, the Secular Franciscans (for women and men, single or married) and of the Friars. Is God “calling” you or “inviting you to be a part of the Franciscan mission? Order? Please send an email to Friar Reto Davatz at FrRDavatz@archkingston.ca.
Food Sharing Project Volunteers Needed
There is a huge need for volunteers at several of the schools in Kingston. Food Sharing Project is seeking volunteers to:
- Help prepare, cook, and serve school meals
- Support local lunch and breakfast programs
- Engage with students and staff to create a welcoming environment
St. John Fisher Dinner - CCO Kingston’s Fundraising Event NEW DATE
Thursday, February 13; 6:00-9:30 pm
Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall (588 Division St, Kingston, ON)
Please join CCO missionaries and students from Queen’s University for a memorable evening. Come and hear first-hand testimonies of students who have encountered Jesus personally and are becoming leaders in the evangelization of the world. During the program, an invitation will be made for you to financially support the work of CCO in Kingston. There is limited space, so please register at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/st-john-fisher-dinner-tickets-1035238314667. Those who registered for the original date are not required to register again.
St. Rita’s Drop-in Centre - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday - St. Mary’s Cathedral Outreach to the homeless and poor of the city. Providing safety, shelter, great food, showers and good Christian hospitality and dignity. Volunteers always needed and welcome. Contact: paty@stmaryscathedral.ca